We’ve worked since the year 2000
in the Valle de Bravo - Amanalco basin.

Contribute in the conservation of the basin with actions that establish a new relationship between its inhabitants and forests and rivers.

What do we believe in?

We are all connected by water

In Procuenca we believe we can solve the water supply through the regeneration of nature and communities. The most important environmental service the Valle de Bravo – Amanalco basin provides is water. The basin provides 12% of the water to Mexico City and its metropolitan area, which is equivalent to enough water for the daily consumption of 2.5 million people.



Save the
Valle de Bravo - Amanalco basin

We’re private non-for-profit organization that promotes and performs actions in favor of rescuing and conserving the region though projects that favor the permanence of forests, grounds and streams.



We are all responsible for our natural surroundings

We are all responsible for the natural environment. Moving towards a sustainable and resilient basin where forests and rivers restore their splendor like its inhabitants, in harmony with the environment, becoming in active agents of change.


Our team

Who are we?

Our team is made up of young people committed to the conservation of the Valle de Bravo – Amanalco basin.


Support our projects and donate today

With your donation you’ll help promote actions in favor of rescuing and conserving the region through projects that favor the permanence of forests, grounds and streams.


What have we accomplished?

We have transformed 3,600 hectares in zones of good practices that conserve the soil and propelled 12 units of family production that follow agro-ecological practices.
With the San Lucas Amanalco community we have conserved 500 hectares of forests through an eco-touristic project for mountain biking.
Communities…4,300 families have eco-technology and this translates to 32 million of liters of rain water stores to be used without polluting rivers and soil.
1.5 tonn of firewood is saved by family a year, avoiding 6,400 towns of green house gases.
1,530 hectares of grounds recovered for sustainable use